List of Students Projects

Janay Wilkerson:
The Role of Local Businesses in Addressing Homelessness
Janay explored the attitudes of local delis in Harlem towards the growing population of homeless individuals. Investigating their awareness and their sense of responsibility, she aimed to understand the dynamics between local businesses and community needs.
Research Questions:
What responsibility do local Harlem businesses (delis) feel for the surrounding homeless population?
Through in-person interviews with deli owners and employees, Janay dived deep into their perceptions and feelings towards the homeless situation.
While most owners were aware of the homeless issue, a significant number felt no obligation to give back, a contrast to the community sentiment.
Community Impact:
Janay’s research sparked important discussions about the role of businesses within their communities and the potential positive impacts they can offer.

Janay Wilkerson
02 October 2023

Gentrification Through the Lens of Local Establishments
Taylor scrutinized the shift in the local dining landscape in Sugar Hill, Harlem, understanding its correlation with gentrification trends.
Research Questions:
How have restaurants and bars contributed to gentrification in Harlem?
By surveying residents and interviewing restaurant owners, Taylor painted a vivid picture of community sentiments regarding the evolving neighborhood.
Residents believe in business’s community responsibilities, but perceptions of gentrification are split, revealing nuanced views on the matter.
Community Impact:
Like many in CEEP, Taylor started an important dialogue between community leaders on how they should be addressing neighborhood issues like gentrification.

02 October 2023

Cheyenne Reynolds:
Stress in the Virtual Classroom Era.
The pandemic transformed educational structures overnight. Cheyenne ventured to gauge the stress levels among K-12 students in the Bronx during this shift.
Research Questions:
How has online school impacted kids’ stress levels? And what are their coping mechanisms?
Via online surveys, Cheyenne gauged student feelings about online education and their methods to manage stress.
Many students, despite not feeling stressed, found online school challenging, signaling a preference for in-person education. Varied stress-relief strategies emerged, with most being effective.
Community Impact:
Cheyenne’s insights were shared at the Davidson Community Center, reflecting on the collective student experience and potential paths forward.

Cheyenne Reynolds
02 October 2023

Assessed Views of Micro-Mobility
Community Impact:

Carlene Nelson
02 October 2023
Prior CEEP Research Questions
Feel free to use these and further the research in your neighborhood!
Let’s get curious and passionate about learning. Citizen Entrepreneur Explorers Program (CEEP) table is filled with lots of interesting questions from students who’ve done CEEP before, and it’s there to give you some ideas and get you thinking deeply about your own community and the people around you.

Some students have wondered why those cozy, local coffee shops seem to struggle while the big chain coffee places are everywhere. Others have investigated whether we can make bread with less salt but still keep it tasty. These are the kinds of real-world questions that can make a difference in our neighborhoods!
Here’s how you can use this table of questions:
Look Over the Questions
Read through the list and see which ones catch your eye.
Find What You Like
Choose a question that you find interesting or that you care about.
Make It Your Own
You can change the question a bit if you want, to fit what you’re curious about.
Start Digging
Look for information and answers to your question, using books, the internet, or by talking to people
Think About What It Means
Once you have your answers, think about how what you’ve found out can help your community.
Become a Part of the CEEP Revolution as we reinvent and reinvigorate the entrepreneurial spirit, marrying academics with action, and students with their communities!
Past Research Questions for Future Inspiration
List of Questions:
- Why are local coffee shops having a hard time staying in business versus bigger coffee chains in the same neighborhood?
- Talking to bakers, how the salt reduction in bread can help in improving health without impacting the quality of dough production in Brooklyn?
- How are the risks of having a sports bar in Flatbush de-escalated?
- How are dive bars using social media to increase customer traffic to gain a competitive advantage over other bars?
- How does social media impact small restaurants in Hamilton Heights?
- How were local restaurants affected both positively and negatively by the George Floyd memorial?
- What is the best location for an organic café?
- How do cafes keep up with changes in the supply and demand, and overcome challenges?
- How has Uber eats affected restaurants in NYC during the pandemic?
- How have local restaurants adapted their offerings/business model to stay relevant during the pandemic?
- How has outdoor dining affected local restaurants in Astoria, Queens?
- Why is there a lack of plant-based options in the Bronx?
- How has Uber eats affected restaurants during the pandemic?
- What is the influence of food delivery platforms on local restaurants in China?
- How have restaurant menu changes impacted revenue during the pandemic?
- How should demographics affect what kind of food is sold in a community?
- How has the vaccine mandate in New York City impacted restaurants in Little Italy and Chinatown?
- How was gentrification impacted local businesses in Brownsville?
- How can we get emerging businesses (e.g. restaurants) in Harlem to reinvest resources into their communities to help entrepreneurs native to the area open businesses in their community? What would that do to help reduce the effects of gentrification?
- What has been the effect of the pandemic on beauty salons in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn?
- What differences distinguish nail technicians and nail salons in Queens and how does this affect customer retention?
- How does using social media marketing among barbershops in my neighborhood affect customer traffic?
- Would outdoor structures keep barbershops open during the COVID Pandemic?
- How did the Open Restaurants Program in NYC affect restaurants during the pandemic?
- What can we do to reduce daily food waste for a local Brooklyn coffee shop?
- Do people prefer the atmosphere or food of a restaurant in the Bronx?
- What is the impact of big-box store chains on small boutiques in Fort Lauderdale, Florida?
- What are the short- and long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on handbag shops in my neighborhood?
- What lip-gloss brands do women prefer in my neighborhood?
- How did clothing stores in Moshulu Parkway stay afloat during the Pandemic?
- How does the difference between expensive and affordable cosmetics affect a person in my community in Queens?
- What are the hypo-allergenic and vegan cosmetic options in Queens?
- How were beauty supply stores in Atlanta, Georgia affected by the pandemic?
- How can public schools build a better awareness by advertising on social media?
- How do different schooling systems (public vs. private) compare in Morningside Heights, NY?
- How has online school affected kids’ stress levels in my neighborhood? what are their ways of destressing?
- How has the photography studio business cycle changed the business model in the pandemic from the past to now?
- How has the film industry in NYC adapted to work within a limited capacity of people although it functions around networking and collaboration?
Few of the commendable projects our students have undertaken
Their dedication to community, research, and meaningful change continues to inspire us.

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